The Best, Most Comprehensive, Predictive And Eminently Relevant Source Of News And Fresh, Original, Thought-Provoking Ideas Regarding Technological, Economic And Sociological DISRUPTION, DISPLACEMENT, ADAPTATION, EVOLUTION And EXTINCTION. Concepts Derived From Complexity Theory And Intelligence Theory Are Also Applied.

Friday, July 26, 2013

Disruption As A Determinant Of Fate

I have often heard people quote (paraphrase) a somewhat famous philosopher in stating that "Whatever doesn't kill me only serves to make me stronger." I myself have used variations of this is conversations about various challenges or fears.

If the "Whatever" in the quote can be taken out and the words "If disruption" could be inserted, you can easily see the defining power of disruption. It is adaptive. It is evolutionary. It is selective in favor of the intellectually and physically swifter.

Disruption is the ultimate test -- we either adapt, migrate, or die. If we are collectively a business or a technology, we become extinct (through displacement) or we become more efficient and more competitive.

While it will frighten some to think of it this way, disruption is a potential extinction event.

This is indeed something to ponder.

An unscathed survivor of multiple disruptive events is probably the best person to follow when climbing a mountain, navigating a maze or exploring a cavern.

In brief, disruption separates the leaders from the losers. And it always has since the beginning of time.

Douglas E Castle for The Disruption Theory And Disruptive innovation Blog.



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